M is for… Memberships
Lots of places tourist attractions and museums offer memberships. If you are out and about in your hometown it can be worth seeing what memberships there are locally which can help save you money and encourage you to visit new attractions and/or activities. They can be particularly great if you have kids.

Use this printable to keep a record of your memberships and the details of your membership deals.
About my trip…
Reader and participants of the A to Z Challenge – this April we are taking a trip around my hometown to pull together a set of travel printables that be used by anyone to create their own travel guide for their own hometown (or anywhere that they are planning to visit).
We will be offering each of these printables (one for each letter of the alphabet) for FREE during the duration of the challenge only. So make sure you visit on a regular basis to grab your printables while you can.
Share in the comments: What memberships do you have (if any)?