You should aim to have to to-do list filled with actionable tasks (with no dependencies). But what if you have to-do list items that are waiting for someone else to do something. These might be tasks that you have delegated, or it might be waiting for someone to come back to you with more information before you can proceed to the next step or stage.
I mange these “waitlisted” tasks in a number of different ways depending on what I am working on.
The “Waitlist” To-Do List
First up I have a list of waitlisted items that sits alongside my to-do list. I use a daily to-do list and I may add specific items to my daily and weekly to-do lists that relate to waitlist items, such as chasers. However, the follow-up tasks will sit on my waitlist. The waitlist will be on a movable piece of paper (or calendar entry if I am managing it electronically) that I can move through my diary/calendar as the week progresses.
The “Waitlist” Post It Notes
Sometimes if I am dealing with work items (rather then personal to-do list items) I note things down on post-it notes instead either because the post-it note was the closest thing to write on or because I want to be able to move it around in my diary.
Post-it/Sticky notes can be a great way to manage waitlist items. However, if you want to avoid post it notes getting lost, you might also want to use a specific page to attach your sticky notes to. This can also mean that you can easily and quickly update your Waitlist at things change and progress.
Client Action Lists
Finally, if your tasks are mainly grouped around a client that you will continue to work on while waiting for additional information or tasks to be completed by others you might find it easier to group your tasks by client and work on a specific action list for this list, which includes both actionable to do items as well as waiting for items so that you can keep on top of where you are on that particular deal or account.
We have included three new printables in our printables collection that can be used with each of these methods.
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