Sometimes it can be a challenge to tackle a new or unfamiliar task productively. You can overthink things because you are not confident in what you are doing, or because you need to spend a lot of time working out what needs to be done.
We have a designed a quick and easy printable that can be used if you are working on an unfamiliar task, to help you have more confidence to act. You can download it as part of our printables collection.
01. Research
Start by doing some initial research into the work. How is it usually done? What is best practice? What do you think needs done in you circumstances? What is your client’s objective?
02. Questions to Ask
Often you won’t have enough information right from the start to complete the task. So when doing your research identify what follow-up questions you will need to ask your cilent and what additional information you might need to get things done.
03. Ask Someone else
If the task is new and unfamiliar to you, take the time to speak to someone else and check your approach before getting started (or depending on the task after you have started so that you can collate allyour questions). Show that you have had a look into it and thought things through but you just want a sense check with a peer or your boss. They can also help you identify anything you may have missed or overlooked. Or sometimes it might just be advice on something they know from previous experience.
04. Clarify and Crack on
Finally, clarify any further points with your client and then crack on with getting it done.
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