Having a seemingly never-ending to-do list can be overwhelming. However, there are lots of quick and easy productivity and time management tips that you can incorporate into your working routine that will help you to complete all your tasks on time and meet all your deadlines.
01. Find a to-do list that works for you!
You probably already have a to-do list, you might even already have a daily to-do list, but are you using a to-do list method that actually works for you personally and gets you results?
If you haven’t already found your perfect to-do list method here are some examples you might like to try:
At the end of each day, write your to-do list for the next day / review your to do list so that you are ready to start the next day straight away and destress before your finish for the day.
02. Declutter your desk and give yourself space to work.
Clean and declutter on a regular basis. Choose to either start or end your day by getting your desk in order. I choose to do this at the end of the day as I finalise my to-do list for the next day. Scan, File or chuck any papers at the end of each day. Be organised and have a place on your desk for everything and tidy it away. A clean desk will help you feel positive about tackling the day.
03. Focus on one thing at a time.
Multi-tasking will make you less productive. Focus your energy on one thing at a time and stick to your to-do list. This doesn’t mean you won’t get interrupted or that you won’t have to shift your priorities but you should try to focus solely on one thing until that thing is done, and then move onto the next thing.
04. Keep your emails organised.
I have an insane amount of email traffic and I am sure you are probably the same. So make sure you tackle your inbox and do you best not to let it build up too much. If you keep on top of it you will find that it takes less time to manage and complete tasks in your inbox. You can use filters and folders to help organise your email. Additionally, if you don’t need to be working out of your inbox you can also time block time specifically for checking your inbox.
05. Schedule chunks of uninterrupted time.
As well as time blocking and scheduling in time for your emails, you should also schedule a time for uninterrupted work. For example, you tell yourself you will work for exactly one hour without any distractions, focusing on one thing only, and then at the end, you can grab a drink or take a five-minute break etc. This will work better than constantly checking phone, emails etc throughout the day.