Track your progress on social media throughout 2021. This printable includes two pages for each of the following platforms: Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter.
Day 10: Social Media Goals 2021 [12 days of Christmas]
You have already set your blogging goals but what about your social media goals? Set your goals for 2021. This printable includes one goals page for each of the following platforms: Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter.
Use a Spider Diagram or Mind Map to map out the content for your blog/website [Printable]
When doing a deep-dive into a particular topic or you are looking to build a series of posts around a particular topic for your blog or website, using some form of mindmap or spider diagram for planning out your content can be a great way of doing this. Therefore we have created some new printables
Z is for… ZZzzz
You will have times when you are productive and have high energy. You will have other times when you have low energy and are tired. We have created a low-key to-do list for those to-do items that are simple, easy and don’t require a lot of brainpower so that you can tackle some of these
Y is for… Yearly Stats
I try not to get to hung up on the statistics. I blog because I enjoy it. I write because it helps me de-stress. However, stats can be a great way to keep track of how your blog is growing. Here is another option for tracking your yearly stats.
X is for… eXamples
When it comes to blogging you can never have too many ideas and examples. You will find inspiration online, from friends and family from your daily life. So we have included a generic examples page that you can download and reuse as often as you like in your blog planner.
W is for… Weekly Plan
As well as a Monthly Plan and a Daily Plan, we have also included a Weekly Plan as another alternative for you planner collection.
V is for… Vlogging
In addition to the regular “Blog Post” planner, we have also included a 2 page printable to help you plan your video posts (and associated social media content).
U is for… Usernames
Another option for keeping track of your usernames and password hints.
T is for… To-Do List
You can never have too many to-do lists – it is all about finding the one one that works best for you! We have added another to do list printable to the collection for your blog. This time it has a master to do list on one side and boxes for your priority items and