#AtoZChallenge Reflections 2019

Another A to Z Challenge completed. This week, I decided to use my usual end of week post as my reflections post for the A to Z Challenge.

I love the challenge every year which is why I keep doing it. This year was my 5th year doing the challenge on this blog. You can read my blog posts for this challenge and the previous challenges on the A to Z Challenge page.

As always the challenge brings together an interesting collection of blogs. These are blogs that I wouldn’t otherwise read or come across. So it is great to have the opportunity to find them. The hosts and organisers did a fab job (as always).

I love the challenge as it is. So there is nothing that I would like to change about the challenge. That doesn’t mean it can’t be improved, but there is nothing I would say needs “fixed”. I will, of course, hope to do the challenge again next year. I will also be joining in the post-a to z road-trip (as I still have a lot of blogs to read).

1 thought on “#AtoZChallenge Reflections 2019

  • slfinnell May 12, 2019 at 7:25 pm

    Congratulations on once again a great A to Z!

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